Thank you for including the Star of Saugatuck as part of your fund-raising efforts. Being a locally owned business, we are dedicated to our local community. As much as we would love to say yes to every request, we sadly cannot. We appreciate your understanding as we are committed to providing support to organizations that are important to our guests and to our employees.
To be eligible for contributions, organizations must comply with the following:
- Qualify for non-profit status under the Internal Revenue Code.
- Benefit the local community (we are not able to support causes outside our local business region.)
- Be submitted in writing on the organization’s official letterhead or by using the online form below.
- Submission must be received at least 90 days prior to the event.
Submitting a Request
If your organization or program meets these eligibility requirements, please submit in writing or via the form accessed by clicking the button below:
- A description of the event including purpose and objectives.
- Date of event.
- Contact name and information, including return mailing address, phone numbers, and email address.
- The community you serve.
- The goal your event is trying to reach.
We review all requests monthly and respond approximately 60 days in advance of the event. Unfortunately, not all requests are honored, nor do we support organizations monetarily. All responses will be sent via email and donation items, if awarded, will be mailed. Please ensure that a valid email and mailing address is included with your request.